IGPP is pleased to invite you to join its Winter 2023 Seminar Series presentation featuring Stanford's Leo Hollberg. Dr. Hollberg's talk, "Atomic Sensors and Lasers for Earth-Ocean Sciences" will occur April 25, 2023 in the Munk conference room.
Time: 12:00 pm, Pacific Time
Location: Munk conference room, and Zoom
Abstract: There are more applications of, and opportunities for, atomic physics in Earth sciences and geophysics than one might initially imagine. Our work relies on atomic frequency references and frequency stabilized lasers for precise measurements of distance, time and magnetic fields. The motivation for much of this effort is that the science of climate change is compelling, and the predictions are alarming for future generations. The foundations of our understanding of climate must be built upon the science and technology of accurate, reliable, verifiable measurements. I will provide an overview of our research activities and plans for the near-term future that have direct connections to Earth sciences, including:
- Atomic timing designed initially for GPS receivers can be enabling for undersea geo-science (e.g. seismic referencing and even ocean temperature profiles)
- Spectroscopic detection of methane and hydrocarbons in the atmosphere using the Sun and/or lasers, with a focus on better understanding of methane generated by wetlands.
- A Space-Time Reference concept for two-way optical links between ground and space for accurate timing and range determination—which could provide new accurate measurements of value to terrestrial reference frames and geodesy.
- Lasers with better frequency stability that are fieldable can improve optical fiber sensors and free space optical measurements.