- About
- Green Foundation
- Postdoctoral Scholarships
Postdoctoral Scholarships
Green Foundation scholarships and the Miles Postdoctoral Fellowship are awarded to Earth scientists from around the world who wish to collaborate with IGPP researchers.
Both Green Scholars and Miles Fellows may hold a concurrent, temporary, salaried appointment at the University, but Foundation support is not available to provide salary for permanent faculty at IGPP. Depending on the circumstances of the particular scholar, the funds can be directed to cover travel, salaries, equipment, campus services, living expenses, or some combination of the these.
Green Postdoctoral Scholarship
Green Scholars work at IGPP for a period not less than two months and not more than two years and can range in experience from recent PhD recipients to senior researchers. Senior Green Scholars are five or more years from PhD and can be nominated for the position by any member of the IGPP faculty (either teaching or research). In most years Postdoctoral Green Scholarships are offered for those less than five years from a PhD. These postdoctoral scholarships are awarded through a competitive process; applications are accepted from anyone.
Green Postdoctoral Scholarship deadlines and application information
Miles Postdoctoral Scholarship
The Miles Postdoctoral Fellowship is awarded (in alternate years) in honor of the late John W. Miles and supports a scientist whose expertise lies within the broad areas of computational and theoretical geophysics. Dr. Miles spent over 40 years conducting research in applied mechanics and geophysics at UCSD and Scripps. His studies contributed to many aspects of fluid dynamics, including supersonic flow, ocean tides, the stability of currents and water waves and their nonlinear interactions, and involved extensive work in the application of mathematical methodology.
Miles Postdoctoral Fellowship deadlines and application information