
To get driving directions to IGPP, you can click here for a larger interactive Google Map.


The respective laboratories of IGPP are located at the following addresses:

Revelle Labs

  • Bldg 2000 8765 Biological Grade, La Jolla CA 92037
  • Bldg 3000 8775 Biological Grade, La Jolla CA 92037
  • Bldg 4000 8785 Biological Grade, La Jolla CA 92037
  • Bldg 1000 8795 Biological Grade, La Jolla CA 92037
Munk Lab
  • 8800 Biological Grade, La Jolla CA 92037


The parking lots surrounding SIO & IGPP, with the exception of a few metered spaces, all require UCSD parking permits. Permits are required between the hours of 7 a.m. and 11 p.m., with the exception of Saturdays and Sundays, which are free all day. Visitors should go to room 307 (Business Office) in the Munk Lab for parking permits. Permits are good for the entire day and cost $8.00. Please be aware that these permits are limited to green "B", yellow "S", and "V" spaces. Alternatively, street parking is available on La Jolla Shores Boulevard; however, spaces are usually taken by 8 a.m. There are metered spaces available at the bottom of the hill by the director's office. Each of the large P's on the map indicates an SIO parking area. Long term permits can be purchased at the parking office in the center of campus. 

For detailed information please see the UC San Diego Transportation Services pages on visitor parking.

Emergency Response Building Maps