- About
- Contact Us
Contact Us
General Information
Mailing Address
Cecil H. and Ida M. Green Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics
Scripps Institution of Oceanography
University of California, San Diego
9500 Gilman Drive, La Jolla,
CA 92093-0225
Business Office
8800 Biological Grade, Room 307
La Jolla, CA 92037
(858) 534-1927
COVID (temporary) Shipping:
UCSD, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, IGPP
Name of contact person or person receiving goods, 0225
8800 Biological Grade, Room 307
Purchase order number, if any
7835 Trade St., Suite 100
San Diego, CA 92121
Computing Help Desk
8785 Biological Grade, Room 4112
La Jolla, CA 92037
Phone (858) 534-1753
Fax (858) 822-1418
General Facsimile
(858) 534-5332
- Management
Rose Madson (, Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) | Earth Section
- Supervision and Leadership for IGPP Administration
- Human Resources (Academic/Staff), Financial Management
- Space Management
- Facilities
- PI Exceptions, Advance Approvals
- Campus Liaison, SIO Liaison, OP Liaison
- Policy and Procedures, Internal Controls
- Proposal and Award Notices
- Green Foundation
- Fiscal Management
Chay Mendoza, Financial Manager
Email: Supervision Pre & Post award
- Internal Controls
- Core Funds
- Fiscal Planning and Budget
- Contracts & Grants
Contracts and grants are administered at IGPP by different staff members pre-award and post-award.
Pre-Award is managed by PI Representatives at IGPP. Post-award are managed as listed below.
Proposal Guidelines: Preparation and Responsibilities for PIs and RAs is a helpful document, which provides guidelines on who is responsible for each component of a proposal package, and to clarify any expectations regarding proposal submission. Responsibility is dependent on various factors, i.e. Agency, Principal Investigator (PI) and Research Administrator (RA). Communication and direct interaction is key between a PI and RA. This allows for each to be kept in the loop, about updates, and changes during the proposal preparation. Ultimately, resulting in a smooth proposal submission.
- Proposal preparation
- General ledger reconciliation
- Financial Report
- Project numbers
- Establish fabrications
- Close out
- Agency Reports
- Cost Transfers
- Award allocation
- Projections
- Orbit Center
- UCPath Funding
- Business Contracts/Service POs
- DSA, Financial Systems
Jeffery Kleve ( – Senior Fund Manager – Pre-Award
Earth Section
Christine Coulibaly (, Senior Fund Manager – Post Award
IGPP PIs: Babcock, Bock, Borsa, Fan, Fialko, Martz, Masters Orcutt, Sasagawa, Shearer, Staudigel, Wright, Young, Zumberge
David Grayson ( – Post Award
IGPP: Backus, Davis, Fricker, Greenbaum, Harding, Kilb, May, Mellors, Minster, Pelle, Sandwell, Stegman, Vazquez, Vernon
Sydney “Matt” Willoughby ( – Post Award
IGPP: Agnew, Armi, Berger, C. Constable, S. Constable, Degroot-Hedlin, Dzieciuch, Gabriel, Haase, Hedlin, Laskę, Parnell-Turner, Worcester
James Pollock (, Senior Fund Manager – Post Award
GRD PIs: Aarons, Andersson, Castillo, Charles, Diaz, Driscoll, Odlum, Rivera-Callazo, Tauxe
Deniesse Vankat ( – Post Award
GRD: Aluwihare, Barbeau, Capaldi, Day, Granzow, Keeling, Morgan, Schartup, Weiss
Sharyn Gold ( – Post Award
GRD: Gee, Kim, Leinen, Lanizza, Meth, Muhle, Norris, Severinghaus, Stocks, Van Allen
- Travel/Purchasing/Miscellaneous Reimbursements
Sofia Palafox ( - Fiscal Assistant/RA1
Evelin Mendoza ( - Fiscal Assistant
- Human Resources
Stephanie Sapalicio Rhoten (, HR Manager
- Academic & Staff Personnel Oversight
- Academic Recruitments
- Visa Policy
- Faculty Voting
- AP File Review
- AP/HR Team Supervision
- Staff Hiring Salary & Job Description Reviews & JD Prep
Megan Strachan (, HR Generalist (staff personnel)
- Staff Hiring | Career Positions
- Job Descriptions
- Staff Leave of Absences
- Disability Management & Job Accommodations
- Graduate Students | IGPP
- Ecotime | Undergraduate Students, Grad Students, Staff, and Postdocs
- Timekeeping/Payroll | Staff (Primary Timekeeper)
- UCPath | Position Management, Smart HR Templates, LOAs, PayPath, etc.
- OnBoarding | Career Staff Employees
Noelle Hardy (, HR Generalist (academic personnel)
- Academic Appointment and Review Files (non-professorial titles)
- Post Doc Appointments, Exceptions & Recruitments
- Academic RTADs
- Graduate Students | GRD
- Visiting Scientist/Scholars/Graduate Students
- Academic Leave of Absences
- UCPath | Position Management, Smart HR Templates, LOAs, PayPath, etc.
- OnBoarding | Researchers, Specialists, and other full-time faculty
Tina Silva (, HR Generalist (staff and students)
- Undergraduate Student Employee Hiring & Compensation
- Timekeeping/Payroll | Staff (Backup Timekeeper)
- Short Term Exception (STE) Staff Hiring
- Staff Volunteer Appointments
- Service Credit Pin requests
- OnBoarding | Undergraduate Students, Grad Students, Postdocs, Visiting Scholars, Volunteers, limited & STE staff employees
- J-1 Visa management
- Staff Performance Appraisal Coordination
- Training Compliance Tracking
- SIO People Database Entries
- Facilities/Safety Officer
Megan Smith (
- Department Safety Administration
- Equipment Inventory
- Building Maintenance
- Building Access
- Office-lab Access
- Furniture
- Education
Our MS and PhD programs are administered by the Department of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, our home department at UC San Diego
Doctoral Programs
Phone: 858-534-1694
Email: IGPP Computing
IGPP Computing provides solutions and support to the IGPP community to promote and enable teaching and learning, research, and administration.
8785 Biological Grade, Room 4112
La Jolla, CA 92037
Phone (858) 534-1753
- Design Services
Services include creating visual materials for a range of purposes, from technical illustrations to marketing and events.
- History
- Mission
- Leadership
- Green Foundation
- Annual Reports
- Contact Us
- Directions