Host Registration

Use this form to request for a network connection and register a hostname.  All systems must meet the UCSD Minimum Standards before accessing UCSD wired network. You may use the UCSD-GUEST wireless to meet the UCSD minimum security standards before submitting this form.  For the purposes of this form, the terms node, host, system, networked device and computer are used interchangeably.


We recommend hostnames that are anonymous, short and pronounceable so that it can be communicated over the phone without spelling out a long string of letters and numbers.  Please do not use a storage volume name or username as the hostname.

Examples of preferred:Examples of not preferred: if your name is John)
short & pronounceablelong & unpronounceable

Note: If you are registering an Ethernet dongle, please use the naming convention username-eth1, username-eth2 (ie. gbluefin-eth1).

Hostname is the name by which the new machine will be known on the network. Please carefully consider the selection of hostname. We discourage hostname changes; due to licensing and database issues, name changes are time consuming (costly). Please choose a name that does not require changing if the machine is repurposed for another user.
These are alternate names that you wish the host to be known by. For example, web servers often have alternate names which might include a project name, etc.
Please enter a description of the host (i.e. 2019 16" MacBook Pro, 2020 Dell Precision, etc.)
Will this server be running a service which requires a port open to off campus networks?
Select an Operating System
A 12-digit Hexadecimal number. Looks something like: 0080c887b8a0 or 00:80:c8:87:b8:a0 A hardware address may also be refered to as an Ethernet ID, Ethernet Address, or MAC Address. How to find it (UCSD IP or VPN required)
User and PI
How to find it (UCSD IP or VPN required).
Name of equipment owner.
Format: xxx-xxx-xxxx
Other Information
As the self-administraor of a host, you inherit certain responsibilities that would otherwise be handled by the IGPP Help Desk. For information on these options, please see our Self Managed SLA page. (UCSD IP or VPN required)
If yes, explain below
If "Yes" please also check a cable length