- Administration
- Facilities
The Judith and Walter Munk Laboratory
Architect Lloyd Ruocco designed the Munk Laboratory, which was dedicated in 1964. The lab houses the central business office, faculty, researchers, graduate students and staff. The first level is dedicated to labs. The Munk Conference Room, at the western end of the building, overlooks the Pacific Ocean.
The Ellen and Roger Revelle Laboratory
Architect Fred Liebhardt designed the Revelle Lab, which was completed in 1993. It houses faculty, researchers, graduate students and staff, as well as labs, the Revelle Conference Room and the Board Room.
The SIO Visualization Center
The iCluster is a 50 megapixel tiled display visualization system built using Apple MacPro and 30" Apple Cinema Displays. This system is used to visualize real time data from the local, regional and global network sensors and is often used in media response to noteworthy earthquakes.
The Barnyard
This is a student space in the Munk Lab that has recently been converted to several rooms for increased student privacy. Resources in the lab include Apple Macs, Sun workstations, SGI visualization servers, printers and large-format (poster) printers.
The Piñon Flat Observatory
The observatory serves as a testing ground for new geophysical instrumentation. Investigators from around the world operate instruments at this site.
Project IDA
Project IDA, which has existed at IGPP since 1975, operates nearly one-third of the Global Seismographic Network for the IRIS Consortium. IDA staff are responsible for maintaining equipment and collecting data from seismic instruments deployed at 41 locations in 27 countries world-wide. These data are distributed to international researchers and to many agencies charged with hazard warning from earthquakes and tsunamis.