Business Contacts

Send additions or corrections to the Front Office or call 858-534-1927.

Fiscal Management


Chay Mendoza (, Financial Manager

  • Supervision Pre & Post award
  • Internal Controls
  • Core Funds
  • Fiscal Planning and Budget
  • DSA

Fund Managers: Pre- & Post-award Administration

  • Proposal preparation
  • General ledger reconciliation
  • Financial Report
  • Project numbers
  • Establish fabrications
  • Close out
  • Agency Reports
  • Cost Transfers
  • Award allocation
  • Projections
  • Orbit Center
  • UCPath Funding
  • Business Contracts/Service POs
  • DSA, Financial Systems
Jeffery Kleve ( – Senior Fund Manager – Pre-Award
Earth Section
Christine Coulibaly (, Senior Fund Manager – Post Award
IGPP PIs: Babcock, Bock, Borsa, Fan, Fialko, Martz, Masters Orcutt, Sasagawa, Shearer, Staudigel, Wright, Young, Zumberge
  David Grayson ( – Post Award
IGPP: Backus, Davis, Fricker, Greenbaum, Harding, Kilb, May, Mellors, Minster, Pelle, Sandwell, Stegman, Vazquez, Vernon
Sydney “Matt” Willoughby ( – Post Award
IGPP: Agnew, Armi, Berger, C. Constable, S. Constable, Degroot-Hedlin, Dzieciuch, Gabriel, Haase, Hedlin, Laskę, Parnell-Turner, Worcester
  James Pollock (, Senior Fund Manager – Post Award
GRD PIs: Aarons, Andersson, Castillo, Charles, Diaz, Driscoll, Odlum, Rivera-Callazo, Tauxe
  Deniesse Vankat ( – Post Award
GRD: Aluwihare, Barbeau, Capaldi, Day, Granzow, Keeling, Morgan, Schartup, Weiss
Sharyn Gold ( – Post Award
GRD: Gee, Kim, Leinen, Lanizza, Meth, Muhle, Norris, Severinghaus, Stocks, Van Allen

Travel/Purchasing/Miscellaneous Reimbursements

Sofia Palofox ( - Fiscal Assistant/RA1
  Evelin Mendoza ( - Fiscal Assistant

Human Resources

Stephanie Sapalicio Rhoten (, HR Manager
  • Academic & Staff Personnel Oversight
  • Academic Recruitments
  • Visa Policy
  • Faculty Voting
  • AP File Review
  • AP/HR Team Supervision
  • Staff Hiring Salary & Job Description Reviews & JD Prep
Megan Strachan (, HR Generalist (staff personnel)
  • Staff Hiring | Career Positions
  • Job Descriptions
  • Staff Leave of Absences
  • Disability Management & Job Accommodations
  • Graduate Students | IGPP
  • Ecotime | Undergraduate Students, Grad Students, Staff, and Postdocs
  • Timekeeping/Payroll | Staff (Primary Timekeeper)
  • UCPath | Position Management, Smart HR Templates, LOAs, PayPath, etc.
  • OnBoarding | Career Staff Employees
Noelle Hardy (, HR Generalist (academic personnel)
  • Academic Appointment and Review Files (non-professorial titles)
  • Post Doc Appointments, Exceptions & Recruitments
  • Academic RTADs
  • Graduate Students | GRD
  • Visiting Scientist/Scholars/Graduate Students
  • Academic Leave of Absences
  • UCPath | Position Management, Smart HR Templates, LOAs, PayPath, etc.
  • OnBoarding | Researchers, Specialists, and other full-time faculty
Tina Silva (, HR Generalist (staff and students)
  • Undergraduate Student Employee Hiring & Compensation
  • Timekeeping/Payroll | Staff (Backup Timekeeper)
  • Short Term Exception (STE) Staff Hiring
  • Staff Volunteer Appointments
  • Service Credit Pin requests
  • OnBoarding | Undergraduate Students, Grad Students, Postdocs, Visiting Scholars, Volunteers, limited & STE staff employees
  • J-1 Visa management
  • Staff Performance Appraisal Coordination
  • Training Compliance Tracking
  • SIO People Database Entries

Facilities/Safety Officer

Megan Smith (

  • Department Safety Administration
  • Equipment Inventory
  • Building Maintenance
  • Building Access
  • Office-lab Access
  • Furniture


Rose Madson (, Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) | Earth Section

  • Supervision and leadership for IGPP administration
  • Human Resources (Academic/Staff), Financial
  • Space Management
  • Facilities
  • RES, PI Exceptions, Advance Approvals
  • Campus Liaison, SIO Liaison, OP Liaison
  • Policy and Procedures, Internal Controls
  • Proposal and Award Notices
  • Green Foundation