IGPP Space Reservations

IGPP uses Skedda to manage reservations for classrooms, conference rooms, labs, car, and meeting spaces.


Munk Laboratory

  • Munk Conference Room 303
  • Munk Conference Room 5
  • Reading Room 306

Revelle Laboratory

  • Revelle Conference Room / Scripps Visualization Center 4301
  • Revelle Boardroom Room 3110

IGPP Prius

Reservation Policy

  • Priority: The Graduate Department has the first right of use for all IGPP meeting spaces.
  • Availability: Users can request room use after the Graduate Department’s class schedule is set, which occurs close to the start of each quarter.
  • Request Process: Submit your hold/request through Skedda. The request will be routed to the business office for approval.
  • Confirmation: You will receive an email confirming whether your request has been accepted or denied within two business days.

Space requests

  • After-Hours Requests: After-hours requests require additional moderation.
  • Building Access: 24-hour building access is available via WAMS ID Card Readers.
  • Entry Codes: Please note that many rooms require an entry code.
  • Calendar Availability: Check the Academic and Administrative Calendar 2025–2026  (Download PDF) before making a request.

Accessing the Calendar

To view availability and request a space reservation, you must be logged in using your campus Google account / Active Directory credentials. Our system utilizes Single Sign-On (SSO) for seamless and secure access.

If you are not already logged in, you will be prompted to sign in. Select the desired space, date, time, and provide details to submit a reservation request. You will be contacted for additional information and/or confirmation.

View Calendar / Submit a Request