IGPP Seminar Series 2023: Diandian Peng

IGPP is pleased to invite you to join its Winter 2023 Seminar Series presentation featuring IGPP's Diandian Peng. Dr. Peng's talk, "Slab Dynamics and Evolution in Global and Regional Models with Data Assimilation" will be available via Zoom on February 14, 2023, starting at 12:00pm. Zoom: https://ucsd.zoom.us/j/92187781143?pwd=c0lLQ0g5Sk9EU3NNMlBJcWMxYnRCQT09 Password: igpp

Time: 12:00 pm, Pacific Time
Location: Zoom

Abstract: Numerical modeling of subduction has proved increasingly important in understanding the evolution of Earth’s internal dynamics and surface tectonic responses. In the past decades, most mantle convection models covered a regional mantle domain due to computational costs. Only recently sophisticated global spherical simulations became possible. In this talk I will show the results for circum-Pacific subduction zones in global and regional models with data assimilation. Generally, the slabs from the global model match seismic tomography much better than the regional results in East Asia and South America. In contrast, for North America and Fiji-Tonga, global and regional models produce similar slab structures. By comparing the global and regional models, I will discuss the effects of chosen model domain and applied boundary conditions on regional simulations.

Feb 14 2023 - 12:00am